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I was a horny teen when my high school crush introduced me to comics. Hot guys in spandex? Sign me up! Fell in love with the FF and X-Men briefly, later a fan of Neil Gaimen’s Sandman and all things Alan Moore. Collected Lois Lane comics for a while, just because of Kurt Schaffenberger’s art. I believe there is enough room in the multiverse for all three of Superman’s wives. Some Favorite Comics: Fantastic Four, The Sandman series, Excalibur (when it was with Alan Davis), Megaton Man, Promethea, Neonomicon, Providence

I wanted to replace Marvin on Super Friends, and cosplayed my first time for the live action Challenge of the Super-Friends. I was hooked on comics when my parents took me to my first comic book convention at the Eastwood Mall in Niles, Ohio. I’ve been to cons from coast to coast, and cosplayed various Legionnaires. Most memorable convention moment would be having Jack “Jimmy Olsen” Larsen sit down with my parents and me during the Superman 50th Anniversary Con in Cleveland. I joined my first APA in the 1990s and have served as a Central Mailer or President for a few of the several I’ve been a member. My favorite comic series is Legion of Superheroes, with Shadow Lass being my favorite Legionnaire.

I’ve always enjoyed comics in any form ever since I was a kid. Peanuts, Dick Tracy and Archie eventually led me to Superman, Lois Lane and JLA. I was further corrupted by the Charles Atlas ads inside the covers and well, here I am! Current favorites are Legion of Super-Heroes, Justice League Dark and Wonder Twins.

My interest in comics began with the Super-Friends cartoon way back when. My first comic I bought with my allowance was the second part of the JLA/JSA team-up where Mr. Terrific was murdered. Dick Dillin drew the comic and I was hooked. Nowadays, my favorite comics I read include Lady Mechanika, Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose, and Legion of Super-Heroes (no matter what version).

I started reading comics off my Drugstore Spinner rack in 1978. Among the first bunch of comics I purchased with my Lawn Mowing money, was the final issue of the original TEEN TITANS. The Teen Titans are responsible for my becoming a comic collector and in less then a decade I had collected and read every issue of The TEEN TITANS. It is one of the only complete runs I own. The Legion of Super-Heroes with their incredibly attractive cast of characters and optimistic outlook for the future, soon eclipsed my passion for the Titans and cemented my love for DC COMICS as my preferred comic franchise of choice. I have a big place in my heart for The Archie comics characters and many of The Marvel Comics Family as well.

I love THE NEW TEEN TITANS and LOVE & ROCKETS. If you haven’t read either we probably won’t fuck.

I have loved comics since Wonder Woman was spinning around on prime time tv and the Super Friends joined us on Saturday mornings. Favourites include Wonder Woman, Archie, FemForce, and lots of independent super-hero books! I also like to write and draw stuff!